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When Your Calling Is Challenged
As hardships come, you have 1 of 3 options.
Going New School
Emerging business trend can energize ministry.
Reverse Mentoring
The new learning curve is from the bottom up.
Put an End to Trading Season
What it takes to make your ministry a true contender.
Leader's Insight: It's Not My Fault?
Why short-tenure leaders are doomed to repeat their excuses.
Full-Service Facilities
These churches are using their buildings to make an impact way beyond the weekend.
Knowing What's Best
What happened when my mother-in-law, God, and I had some parenting run-ins
5 Reasons You'll Want to Leave But Shouldn't
Is it really time for a ministry change?
It’s Complicated
Examining the leader’s personal relationship to money
Lead With Your Strengths
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